Happy Birthday Kanata!!
Akhirnya hari ini Kanata resmi berumur 22 tahun dan project untuk Kanata telah terlaksana. Partisipasinya ternyata belum begitu banyak ya, tapi gak apa-apalah. Terima kasih untuk partsipasinya :D
Untuk hari ini spesial hastag di Twitter #22ndKanataHongoBirthday dan #happybirthdaykanatahongo
message: Happy Birthday Kanata-kun!! always success and we still LOVE you
Pink Majestic
message: Happy KANATA's Day!! I always love you and please don't be thin, keep your health. Please someday you visit my country, I will kiss you xDD *just kidding
message: Happy Birthday Hongo-kun!! We love you, now and forever.
Anugrahita Nirmala
message: happy birthday Kanata Hongo! Keep healthy always, and success in your career! do your best at everything you do,our fans from Indonesia always support you!!! So please come on visit (^_-)-?
Btw, i'm thanks to God because is really kind to created the man like you!! You are so cool,cute and your style, i like it!
Btw, i'm thanks to God because is really kind to Where are you from actually? Paradise? Hahaha
And..you drop something! Did you know? MY HEART >o< haha! Always support you from here (*´?`*)
By: Astrid
Harum Marwah
message: To Hongo Kanata
You make my heart beats so fast when I saw your picture in the media.
until I control lost it to hide the madness in the general situation, but I try to keep restraint.
I'm more curious about you, then I searching information about you on website internet, and finally I found it.
beautiful moments and important to me is not going to forget.
though in reality we have never met, but I consider you as a special.
you are my sun is always shining in all my days.
you are an inspiration to me.
and you are also as lights always illuminate my heart.
From Momorichan a.k.a Arum ^^
message: Dearest Hongo-kun.. I love your great acting on dorama ^-^ The first movie i saw was YANMEGA. You are reaaaally cool~ Now, you've been 22 years old.. Happy Birthday!!!
Always love you
yours (wenny)

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